The Scottish Parliament's think-tank

Spring 2022 Update

An update from the Scottish Parliament’s think-tank on its work in spring 2022. This includes a chance to share your views on what we should be doing.


Gus seachdain na Gàidhlig 2022 a chomharrachadh, iarr Fòram Alba air Thoiseach air grunn luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig na beachdan aca a thoirt dhuinn mun àm ri teachd. Tha am pròiseact, a chaidh a ruith le taic…

Uaine is donn

Gus seachdain na Gàidhlig 2022 a chomharrachadh, iarr Fòram Alba air Thoiseach air grunn luchd-labhairt Gàidhlig na beachdan aca a thoirt dhuinn mun àm ri teachd. Tha am pròiseact, a chaidh a ruith le taic…

Autumn 2021 update

An update from the Scottish Parliament’s think-tank from autumn 2021. It includes information on the Festival of Politics and new directors.

Annual Reports

Published annual reports of Scotland’s Futures Forum, the Scottish Parliament’s think-tank.


Scotland’s Futures Forum has been holding events and supporting research since 2005. Over the coming years we’ll be adding more and more resources to our website. Search by keyword You can also explore our work…

Review of Session 5

Scotland’s Futures Forum is the Scottish Parliament’s futures think-tank. Our work is designed to inform MSPs and enable them to consider the effects of decisions taken today on Scotland’s long-term future. In the fifth session…

Review of the year: 2020

2020 has been a year like no other. Often, it has been hard for many of us to look beyond the end of the week, let alone into the long-term future. At Scotland’s Futures Forum,…